Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vegan bachelorette food!

I wanted something substantial and filling for lunch today - I plan to go for a long hike later today and would rather not be carrying a huge sack of food to feed my snackity-snack-ness so here's what I came up with to use up two small 9-grain buns that I've had in the fridge for (at least) two weeks:
so it doesn't look amazing (could use some green - maybe spinach or other salad leaves), but it tastes pretty darned good for 5 min of prep! There's the two 9-grain buns (too small to make a sandwich out of) that I steamed in the microwave by putting a wet towel over them (they were wayyy  hard from being in the fridge for a while) and then cut up into cubes, 1 Wildwood Sprouted Tofu Veggie Patty (sooo good!), an heirloom tomato from the farmer's market, and a large few tablespoons of homemade pickled mangoes (my dad made it and sent it to me!).  Mmmmm! You can also see my two beverages up there in the corner - freshly brewed and iced white+green tea, and a matcha soy shake from the Toofu stand at the farmer's market.  Quick, tasty, uses up stuff that might have gone bad...perfect :)

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